Knowledge Management

Knowledge became in the last decades a strategic resource for business and managing knowledge constitutes a challenge for practitioners as well as for researchers in the field. Knowledge Management is a new field of research and although there are many international journals and conferences dedicated to this phenomenon it still needs efforts and creativity to discover the laws which govern its complexity and dynamics. This conference aims at being a forum of sharing our new ideas and research results about knowledge and knowledge management.

The following are suggested area of interest for this track without any limitations in complementing them with new topics:

  • Knowledge metaphors and new approaches to knowledge nature understanding
  • Knowledge dynamics in organizations and its influence upon decision making.
  • Knowledge creation and knowledge acquisition
  • Knowledge sharing and communities of practice. Intra-organizational and inter-organizational knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge loss and knowledge retention. Intergenerational knowledge transfer
  • Knowledge and organizational learning. Knowledge and organizational entropy
  • Knowledge strategies in turbulent business environments and crazy times
  • Information management and knowledge management. Learning from big data and crowdsourcing


Track Chair

Sven Laudien
mAHS – media Akademie Hochschule Stuttgart, Germany