
TAKE 2020 Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy


Too Whom it May concern , and in particular to all Friends, Authors, Participants and Followers that have been with us since 2016:

Due to Corona Virus Crisis we are not able to make TAKE 2020 in Sttutgart in July 2020. We deeply regret this outcome.

Also we inform that we are seeking another venue and another schedule for TAKE 2020.

Furthermore we are already in contacts for TAKE 2021, in Portugal.

Take care, keep safe, and hopefully we will meet very soon.

Sincerely yours.

The Organizing Committee.


TAKE is an international scientific conference devoted to the multidisciplinary study of the knowledge economy. In particular, it intends to analyze the relation and the gap between theories and practices in the knowledge economy of the 21st century. Therefore, we bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to discuss, advance, and shape the future of the knowledge economy.
Following the experience of previous TAKE conferences, we will put together experts from different fields such as Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, Logistics, Retail, Public Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business Models, SMEs, Competitiveness and Accounting. This diversity and wideness transforms TAKE into an unique forum. The closeness and friendship between participants is another element that turns TAKE conferences into unforgettable scientific events.

In 2020, we will welcome participants in Stuttgart, Germany. The conference will be hosted by the mAHS –media Akademie Hochschule Stuttgart and organized by Prof. Dr. Sven M. Laudien and his team. Our aim is to build and  interesting scientific program that brings together research and business practice and also includes evening events that will provide unique and unforgettable experiences for the participants. Let us surprise you!


A small jubillee for the scientific turtle and its wonderful team to celebrate. 

Resultado de imagem para take conference

TAKE is organized by a group of friends who began working together more than 10 years ago. TAKE 2020 is the fitth edition of TAKE, following previous edtitions in Aveiro, Portugal (2016), Zagreb, Croatia (2017), Poznan, Poland (2018), and Vienna Austria (2019). Information about the previous events may be found under the Heading Previous Events. It has been a hard ride and as with all the turtles a slow, but we made good progress. And while we are already planning much ahead, we really want to celebrate in great fashion our first small jubilee – a wooden weeding, according to the tradition. In TAKE theory “marries” practice and great scholars from fields usually apart meet for three days in the Summer for an unique scientific and human event.


So let us meet on July 1st 2020 in Stuttgart. Save the date!